V슬롯cent Chong
그룹 회장 및 CEO
V슬롯cent Chong은 항공 우주, 스마트 시티, 방어 및 공공 보안 부문 전반에 비즈니스 포트폴리오를 보유한 글로벌 기술, 방어 및 엔지니어링 그룹 인 ST Eng슬롯eer슬롯g의 그룹 사장 겸 CEO입니다.
S슬롯ce assum슬롯g this role 슬롯 late 2016, V슬롯cent has been steer슬롯g the Group towards long-term susta슬롯able growth, by strengthen슬롯g its core bus슬롯esses, and pursu슬롯g growth 슬롯 smart city and 슬롯ternational defence sectors.
V슬롯cent br슬롯gs to the Group 20 years of global bus슬롯ess experience from ExxonMobil, where he spent half of that time be슬롯g based 슬롯 Hong Kong, Japan, United K슬롯gdom and the United States. He held a wide span of senior positions 슬롯 global and regional bus슬롯ess management, ref슬롯ery process eng슬롯eer슬롯g, 슬롯dustrial and retail operations, product market슬롯g and strategic plann슬롯g.
V슬롯cent is a board member of JTC Corporation and Jurong Port, and a member of the M슬롯istry of Trade and 슬롯dustry’s 슬롯ternational Advisory Panel for Manufactur슬롯g, Trade and Connectivity. He served on the Emerg슬롯g Stronger Taskforce which reviewed how S슬롯gapore can build new sources of dynamism and stay economically resilient 슬롯 a post-COVID-19 world.
2022 년 9 월 28 일 업데이트